Have a good day!
Have a good day!
I hope you enjoy!
I hope you enjoy these pages! As you can see, most of the time I am a make simple scrapbook layouts. Most of these pages were created in 15 -20 min. However, sometimes I may spend 1 - 2 hrs on a layout that may have lots of embellishments.
Have a good day!
Below is a picture taken today of the same area in my yard as above. The temperature finally got above freezing today!
This picture is another tree in my yard during the storm. The picture below it is the same tree after the storm.
One thing I like about this picture if this holly bush is some of the ice cycles are sideways! Below the holly bush is one of the pine trees in my yard. Half of it is gone!
These pictures is just a sample of my yard! We have a lot of clean up to do. But that's OK. Cleaning up our property is nothing compared to what others have to deal with. There are people that lost their life during this storm. Prayers to their families.
On the lighter side, I did complete my January scrapbook goal. I completed 39 scrapbook pages. 326 to go! I sat in the kitchen scrapbooking by the window during the day so I could see ;)
I will be getting back to business! Watch my blog for new sales and premade scrapbook pages!
As for the Project 365, I have taken a few pictures and we went to watch a movie tonight so I have the ticket stubs from that.
I want to offer some tips/ideas to help you with what ever type of scrapbooking goal you may have for this year. If you don't have a goal, now is a good time to start.
1. Always, always have a camera with you! I just got a new Nikon Coolpix to carry in my purse. I have a Nikon D40 SLR and it is way to big to have with me all the time. So my Coolpix is perfect.
2. Keep in mind, events that you can scrapbook do necessarily have to have include pictures. For example, ticket stubs from movies, receipts from dinner, journal about how something that happened that day, get where I am going?
3. Weather your scrapbook style is simple or "fancy". It does not matter. Create your own style.
I will continue post tips and suggestions, so watch for updates!